Feeling sick and tired…

Today, I have been sweating non-stop and feel really tired. If I put my head down I bet I would just pass out. I haven’t been sleeping well which is making it very hard in the morning to wake up. My headaches aren’t acting up as usual but my body feels really drained. Hopefully, this is just due to lack of sleep. I still am apartment searching. Soon, I will make a decision. Back to work I go…

I am soo tired!

For some reason today I feel like I was hit with a mack truck…maybe not that intense but I do feel very unsettled. Fatigue is my most common symtom at the moment. Maybe during my lunch break I can eat and take a quick nap. That would defintely help out a lot. Ok, time to get back to work…ugh!

Copier machines, placing orders, and sorting and shipping mail…

I would have to say that today has been a fun day at the office. I have done all of the above and even at this moment am learning more about copier machines than I have ever thought I would. I totally see why people can be obsessed with office supplies.

On another note…I checked out of the library a bunch of reading material. The two books that I am most excited about are on the Post Office. One of them is a exam helper guide for becoming a Postal worker. I will be practicing the tests and learning more about my future job. I will keep everyone informed on how that is going. The other book is on the history of the Post Office. I tried to find the book that Wilson the Cat suggested but such luck yet. I will keep searching.

Tomorrow my partner and I are going to the Wolf Park near by and I am very exctied about seeing the Howl night presentation!

I better get back to work!!

Another day of having no meat products!!

Chicago is great!

I went to Chicago this past weekend. It is such a vacation for me. I defintely want to just go up there by myself and ingest the culture. This past weekend I thought a lot about what the Fall is going bring and I am not excited. I just wish that summer could last a lot longer than they feel.

On another note, the other day I made Rice and Beans. I put soy protein in the beans and it came out great! I am very ecstatic about my cooking adventures. I believe Saturday I will go to the Farmer’s Market and enjoy the wonderful produce that should there. I might make some corn tonight with some leftovers! Woohoo! Hmm, maybe some Soy burgers or left over rice and beans or left over soy taco meat! For lunch today I had 2 soy dogs no buns, a bowl full of soy beans with lemon juice, a pita with hummus, and a can of sodium free sparkling water. I think I am on my way to a great vegetarian lifestyle. I am starting to get hungry already which I guess is what you get when you only have good things for your body.

Father Time please slow down the clock for me!! Please!!!!

93 degrees outside

I have noticed that lately I do not feel as dirty when I do not take a shower everyday as I used to feel. I wonder is it because your body adapts to not taking a shower as much as usual. Hmm, I think this facinating. I think it is my short hair, doesnt need to be washed as much because it doesnt really change from day to day! Oh, the wonders of this hair cut! Thank you for giving me the strength to make decisions on my own.

See what not taking a shower does to me! I think facial hair growing is amazing!

Have I told everyone how much I love wine!!!?

changing a theme…thought it was easy

I think the reason I am having trouble with this theme changing process is because I do not know where to download it. That is my issue. If only I knew the answer on how to fix this issue; I would be on my way to a new look! I had a dream last night that I was living in Oregon, with all these people from high school, in a really awesome house. I wish I was leaving Indiana, but if only I had the guts to drop out of college and go do what I really want. I want to become a Postal Service Mail Carrier. It might not sound like the greatest job to most people, but I find it not only rewarding working with mail, but a perfect job for me. On the side I could still write, do art, and even do some radio things. In order to accomplish all of that, I need to just get my degree. It just seems like such a long process. I do not quite understand why it takes so long or why I chose the school that I did, but I do know that one day I will be in a location that I find comforting and that I find perfect for me.

Last night…Wilson the cat(a friend of mine) and I tried to go on Skype. It is down or was down and therefore made us have to explore the Internet to find more chatting audio and recording fun. We definitely did have a blast even though we really didn’t talk to as many people as we would have liked. I would say that with all that, we learned a valuable lesson; Always raise your hand.

Besides, my adventures I am sitting at work, my hands smell like packages and mail, and I am very content with that. I am excited for lunch because I am hungry and I am going to have a wonderful Veggie sandwich and probably some salad! hm-mm yummy!

If you are feeling down just get a little help from your friends!!

Reading books at a very fast pace…

Today will mark hopefully the third book I have read this week. It is making me feel really good about myself in the fact that I am starting with somewhat basic reading and moving to more challenging compositions. I hope for this summer to improve my pace and also to improve my writing and reading comprehension skills. I feel that this summer is a hopeful learning experience for me and my intellectual abilities! If only someone would tell me what those abilities are!

Please Wizard of Oz!!

Polariod and other wonderful things

Yesterday I went over to a friend’s place so we could hang our Mario Block Party boxes all around campus and to my surprise my friend gave me a wonderful gift. Well, two wonderful gifts. The first being a box of Sparkling water. I know, it sounds crazy but carbonated water is my favorite drink in the world. Maybe not the world but is one of my favorite drinks. Anyways, I then received for free, a Polaroid Camera! That added greatness to my day. Oh and I found out that my Partner doesnt like the word CREAMY! I find that funny and so last night continued to make fun of it until she gave me the look of, “I am getting annoyed with you”. I also last night made a great dinner. It consisted of fake ground beef that I shaped into a Hamburger and put blue cheese in the middle. Then cooked it on a pan lightly oiled. Then instead of hamburger buns we used wheat pitas. I then made salad with olives and poppy seed dressing. Our drink was water. What else have I done that I feel like sharing? Oh, I looked at friend of mine’s pictures and saw a picture of me sleeping. When I have a drinks of alcoholic make up I seem to always end up falling asleep. I am lame.

That’s me, passed out! Thank you Anne for that great picture! There will probably be more where that came from. Well, nature calls!