Journalism is calling me everyday…

Everyday whether it’s looking at NPR’s website or listening the stupid all hit music stations I find myself loving journalism, in every form. The way people put their lives on the line to show the truth. Everyday I look at many different news websites in order to get more than just one perspective and as I looked went to the New York Times the first picture that was up was of body bags so close, live action shot of people dead in bags in a shooting that took place in Jerusalem at a school. We sometimes see pictures and just see not thinking of what is taking or behind that lense. One thing that I always tell myself is that if we all live in this world, we have to make an impact. Not environmentally but more politically or just plain for humanity. I find myself more in tune with that lately seeing as my job is making copies. Though, it is much more than that I sometimes feel plained bored. The last couple of days have been pretty good. Anyways, my point is that if we don’t think about what is happening around us or even try to think beyond our lives we can make an impact and a change.

One example that I am going to recall is the Northern Illinois University shooting that took place very close to my hometown. Many of my friends go to NIU and the shooting was a tragedy but how come our country speaks so sadly and puts it all over the news? What about the violence that we are taking apart of that happens every single day in the Middle East. What about all the civilians dying for our call to spread democracy?

The picture